ORIE 6334 Spectral Graph Theory December 1 , 2016 Lecture 27 Remix
The proof of the theorem uses a SDP relaxation in terms of vectors vi ∈ Rn for all i ∈ V . Define distances to be d(i, j) ≡ ‖vi − vj‖ and balls to be B(i, r) ≡ {j ∈ V | d(i, j) ≤ r}. We first showed that if there exists a vertex i ∈ V such that |B(i, 1/4)| ≥ n/4, then we can find a cut of sparsity ≤ O(1) ·OPT . If there does not exist such a vertex in V , then we can find U ⊆ V with |U | ≥ n/2 such that for any i ∈ U , 1/4 ≤ ‖vi‖ ≤ 4 and there are at least n/4 vertices j ∈ U such that d(i, j) > 1/4.
منابع مشابه
Orie 6334 Spectral Graph Theory Lecture 8
We also saw that λ2 = minR(y). The issue is that we may have vol(St) > vol(V −St). To fix this, we will modify y so that vol(supp(y)) ≤ m (recall that vol(V ) = 2m). The idea is to pick c such that the two sets {i : y(i) < c} and {i : y(i) > c} both have volume at most m, then find St for both of them and take the best one. This lecture is derived from Lau’s 2012 notes, Week 2, http://appsrv.cs...
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متن کاملORIE 6334 Spectral Graph Theory
Theorem 1 (Arora, Rao, Vazirani, 2004) There is an O( √ log n)-approximation algorithm for sparsest cut. The proof of the theorem uses a SDP relaxation in terms of vectors vi ∈ Rn for all i ∈ V . Define distances to be d(i, j) ≡ ‖vi − vj‖ and balls to be B(i, r) ≡ {j ∈ V | d(i, j) ≤ r}. We first showed that if there exists a vertex i ∈ V such that |B(i, 1/4)| ≥ n/4, then we can find a cut of sp...
متن کاملORIE 6334 Spectral Graph
We can give a sketch of the algorithm below. Recall that, given a tree T and a flow f , the tree-defined potentials are p(r) = 0 for a selected root vertex r and p(i) = ∑ (k,l)∈P (i,r) r(k, l)f(k, l), where P (i, r) is the directed (i, r) path in T . Recall also that any electrical flow obeys both the Kirchoff Current Law (KCL, or flow conservation) and the Kirchoff Potential Law (KPL), which s...
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